India India India is our country too and even aaryaavart
Hardly any country has
The name is linked to our culture, our civilization is associated with
We Gangajmuni ancient civilization living example of this is when our mind is so profound love me so Biswas is why we come to the matter of a few people in your culture
Who are
Or God is wrong. ........................
My humble request to all of India Wasio by the fighting stops Sampridayik
The courage to fight for education
Fight for your bright future
Those who have little to overcome difficulties Fight
The issue is not that we do not like we do not want to think not
Because narrow is our Manshikta
Take lane determination of a new dawn
Fight to reach a new pinnacle on India
Dares to show
Why was shut
Wake bhaiya
Hardly any country has
The name is linked to our culture, our civilization is associated with
We Gangajmuni ancient civilization living example of this is when our mind is so profound love me so Biswas is why we come to the matter of a few people in your culture
Who are
Or God is wrong. ........................
My humble request to all of India Wasio by the fighting stops Sampridayik
The courage to fight for education
Fight for your bright future
Those who have little to overcome difficulties Fight
The issue is not that we do not like we do not want to think not
Because narrow is our Manshikta
Take lane determination of a new dawn
Fight to reach a new pinnacle on India
Dares to show
Why was shut
Wake bhaiya
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