Here is an example of a folder, which i am clicking without holding shift key,
Now the same folder,right click with Shift key,
Try to see that extra path which is highlighted in above image.
Now the other hidden secret of Shift
When you select any file and right click the mouse and selects the send to option you will get only few locations where you can send the file but if you want to send the file to some other location then you can do one thing just hold down Shift key and perform the same steps you will find much more locations in Send to option
Without Shift key
With Shift Key SendTo Option
Try to see the extra options in above image.
Now you can ask one question if the Send to option doesn't contain the folder option where i have to send the file?
I have its answer you can add the folders in Send to option.
Just create shortcut for the folder you want to add this can be done by right clicking and then send to desktop.
Once that is done open Windows Explorer and type shell:sendto in the location bar .By doing this you will reach to the location where all the Send To options are held .
Now you just have to drag and drop that folder to that opened folder.
If you want to select some files in the folder and your keyboard is not working or you don't want to hold down the Shift key then there is a solution you just click the view menu and then check the item check boxes item. NOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO HOLD DOWN THE SHIFT KEY TO SELECT DIFFERENT FILES NOW JUST CLICK THE FILE AND FILES WILL BE SELECTED.
You can also create your own shortcuts for opening any application
For this just select the application and right click on it select properties option and go to shortcut tab and then assign the shortcut you want and click OK
Now you can use that shortcut to open that application.
The combination of Ctrl+Alt will be automatically added by system.
Suppose i wanted to open the vlc player by clicking 1.
Then click in Shortcut Key textbox and press 1.Now you can open VLC Player by Ctrl + Alt +1.
Another tips Click and hold the title bar of the application with which you are working in, then shake it back and forth rapidly. All other open windows will minimize.